Mo Ieong

Together We Read : Play Reading Culture in Hong Kong

The age-old question of whether to read a book or watch its film adaptation first has long been debated. Reading requires imagination, immersing the reader in a world of their own creation, while books provide more intricate details of the plot. Films and TV shows, however, offer a more time-efficient option and provide an immersive experience, showcasing the actors' performances and the ambiance of the scenes with lighting, sound effects, and other elements.  Ultimately, the answer to this question is subjective, and depends entirely on individual preferences and intended goals. Endowing the Script with Soul - Play Reading Play reading may be an unfamiliar form of performance to Hong Kong audiences. This type of performance involves actors reading from a script while adding...

【VOICE OF HER】Gender Norms in Society— Pearlmi Tam

Society has rigid expectations for men and women, and these are accompanied by high demands and standards.  Pearlmi Tam In Hong Kong, traditional Chinese thinking heavily influences societal perceptions of gender, often favouring men over women and constraining women into passive and fragile roles. Anecdotes like Pearlmi's experience in motorbike lessons illustrate the pervasive nature of gender expectations and stereotypes. Rigid ideas about what "men should'' and "women should" do create unrealistic and unfair situations, making it difficult for individuals to break free from traditional gender roles. Despite progress made towards challenging gender stereotypes, society's journey remains a long one.  Gender expectations are imposed on everyone, regardless of gend...