There is a kind of hardship that awakens the Lion Spirit Interview with Kwok’s Kung Fu Golden Dragon and Lion Dance Girl Coco

At first, Coco took up lion dancing solely for the sake of looking stylish. However, she soon realized that achieving that level of style and grace was no easy feat. The training regimen was physically demanding, requiring long hours of grueling practice and challenging her limited athletic abilities. Given her petite stature and lack of strength, Coco found herself struggling with even the most basic kung fu movements, having to put in far more effort than her peers. Despite these early setbacks, Coco persisted in her lion dancing pursuits for over a decade. What drove her to keep going in the face of such difficulty? Coco explains that it was the tight knit community she discovered within the lion dance troupe. When she first joined, she was welcomed into a close-knit group of "br...

Embarking on a Solo Walking Tour Completing the Camino de Santiago in Spain Over 37 Days Interviewing with Traveler Boey Lau

Most Hong Kong people travel to escape the stresses of daily life and unwind, but some opt for a more grueling and challenging form of travel, pushing themselves to the limit - what they call "The Walking Traveler". Walking Tours refers to walking long distances along predetermined routes, which while not overly rugged or complex, can be an exhausting undertaking for urban dwellers accustomed to relying on transportation. Yet, a young Hong Kong woman named Boey Lau recently completed the daunting Camino de Santiago pilgrimage in Spain, even going so far as to inscribe her late father's name on the certificate of completion. More and more young Hong Kongers are venturing out to explore the world, and Boey is one such trailblazer. After her first solo trip to Bali in October 2022, she...

Aiming for Better World Ranking Scaling the Everest Again Interviewing Ice Climbing Athlete Janet Kung

This year, the football field at the Cheung Chau North Emperor Temple Amusement Park hosted the Bag Mountain Championship, and Janet Kung successfully defended her title, winning the Bag Mountain crown for the second consecutive year after her victory in 2022. 在 Instagram 查看這則貼文 Janet Kung 龔子珊 Ice Climbing Mountaineering Athlete(@janetkts)分享的貼文 In an interview, Janet shared that unlike previous years, she did not undergo specialized training for a month leading up to the championship this year, but instead relied on her regular ice climbing regimen. Ice climbing refers to the activity of scaling ice waterfalls, cliffs, or wooden structures using ice axes and crampons. Due to the overhanging nature of the ice walls or falls, it requires greater forearm strength...

【WHY NOT BOLD】Hong Kong Women’s Football Team Players Embraces Bodybuilding to Become Legends of Strength Interview with Athlete Iris Kwok

Iris, a Hong Kong footballer and bodybuilding enthusiast, once said, 'Enjoying a hobby, even through challenges, and finding joy in work.' Iris currently plays for the Citizen Women's Team in Hong Kong. She was introduced to football at a young age due to her two older brothers.  Around the fifth grade of primary school, she saw other girls playing football and realized that she wanted to continue playing. She mentioned, 'I also wanted to play with them. Football gives me a sense of excitement and speed. I have always loved sports since I was young, and the feeling of a group of people working towards a common goal is amazing. That's why I find football so happy and enjoyable.' The Unforgettable Experience of Playing Women's Football in North Korea One of the most memora...

With The Power of Perseverance Interviewing with Athlete Virginia Lo and Cici Wan

The Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon ("SCHKM"), a major sporting event in the new year, will be held on 21 January (Sunday) and will be divided into full marathon, half marathon, 10km race, 10km wheelchair race and wheelchair experience race.  This year's SCHKM Route starts at Nathan Road in Tsim Sha Tsui and passes through Waterloo Road, Lin Cheung Road, West Kowloon Highway, Stonecutters Island Bridge, Tsing Ma Bridge, Ting Kau Bridge, Western Harbour Crossing, etc., and ends at Victoria Park in Causeway Bay. BBOLD has invited Hong Kong long-distance runners Virginia Lo and Cici Wan to share their long-distance running journey and tips for breaking through before the marathon. Virginia was initially recommended by her school teacher to participate in the cross-country co...

Molly Carlson’s Inspiring Journey of Overcoming an Eating Disorder Through Cliff Diving

If you've been following the Olympic events, you're likely familiar with the sport of 10-meter platform diving. Standing on a 10-meter platform and looking down at the pool, most people still need a great deal of courage to take the leap. But there are some who not only shine on the 10-meter platform, but also have the bravery to take on an even greater challenge: cliff diving. While cliff diving and platform diving share similarities, cliff divers jump from heights ranging from 18 to 27 meters, more than double the height of the platform. This significant difference in height impacts diving techniques and safety in various ways. Diving from such heights carries inherent risks and dangers. Even diving from a platform (30 feet above ground) can result in injuries like bruises, fractured...

Sea Slug and Plane Wreck :Diving Journal in Bohol (Part 3)

In our previous conversation, we talked about the rich marine ecosystem on Bohol. When diving there, you have a chance to witness incredible barracuda storms, jackfish storms, small sharks, and sea turtles. But there's more to explore than just these magnificent creatures. Divers can also visit dive sites where they can explore sunken ships and the remnants of underwater airplanes. Exploring different dive sites offers divers a variety of diving experiences with different underwater terrains. In the quest to find marine life, it requires not only keen observation skills but also a bit of luck. As they say, "Finding big things is easier, but finding smaller creatures is more challenging." One of the favorites among divers is the adorable "sea bunny," also known as a sea slug. Divers ...

Oceanic adventure journey:Diving Journal in Bohol (Part 2)

On the first day after our arrival, we completed a check dive and officially began our daily underwater adventure with three dives. Bohol offers mostly wall dives and slope dives, with calm water currents, high visibility, and a consistent water temperature of 26 to 29 degrees Celsius throughout the year. The dive sites are surrounded by coral reefs, with the diving activities starting at the reefs and then descending along the cliffs for a wall dive. It's an ideal location for beginners to learn and for experienced divers to upgrade their skills and gain more experience. Every morning, around 9 am, we would take a shuttle from the hotel to Alona Beach, where we would board a boat to explore the various islands near Bohol. Here are some of the dive sites we visited on this trip. ...