【WHY NOT BOLD】Unprofessional, Unqualified, Imperfect: Cancer-Fighting Silver-Haired Model LISA·1958

Let’s talk about Bold. 

How would you define the word “Bold”? Fearless, confident and brave, striking, daring, audacious, beyond the usual boundaries, in bold.

“Bold” is a multifaceted word, just as everyone’s interpretation of “Bold” differs.

BBOLD, BE BOLD — Instead of us telling you how to Be Bold, let’s leave it to you to define.BBOLD has invited six women from diverse backgrounds to share their thoughts on Bold, starting from their own experiences.

The next one is LISA·1958。


Meet LISA·1958, the extraordinary model defying age and adversity. In a mere three years in the modeling industry, she’s proven that beauty knows no bounds. But her story runs deeper than meets the eye. Lisa confronts unique challenges due to a damaged nerve in her left leg, requiring daily medication to manage pain. High heels can be excruciating, and some poses are off-limits due to balance limitations. Yet, she boldly embraces her imperfections.

At 65 years old, Lisa has already triumphed over stage four lymphoma, a battle she won with unwavering determination. Her modelling journey began almost 60 years ago in mainland China when societal norms limited her choices. However, her love for beauty and the camera led her to become a “bus girl”, even when the monthly salary was a mere few yuan. She ventured to Japan, initially not knowing a word of Japanese, but emerged fluently speaking after relentless hard work. Later, she arrived in Hong Kong, starting anew with the same fearless spirit.

Lisa’s life took an unexpected turn when she discovered a 15.6cm tumour in her left leg. Doctors gave her a grim choice: undergo surgery, lose the ability to walk but extend her life, or forgo surgery with only six months left to live. Lisa refused to accept fate and returned to Hong Kong for treatment. Her diagnosis: stage four lymphoma. Six rounds of chemotherapy, six targeted therapies, and 25 radiation treatments later, Lisa emerged victorious. During her recovery, she had one goal in mind: returning to Japan for work. And she did just that.

Recovery wasn’t easy. Lisa started in a wheelchair, unable to wear her beloved high heels. But with determination, she relearned how to walk, one step at a time. Unable to return to her former career, Lisa discovered “silver hair modelling” on Instagram. If she couldn’t pursue her dream as a young model, she decided to make it a reality in her later years.

Lisa’s story teaches us that life’s obstacles can be overcome. She started from the negative and worked her way to the positive, one step at a time, all to fulfil her dreams.

So, what’s next for Lisa? The world is eagerly watching her remarkable journey.

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