
Embracing the Pure Joy of Fitness How Focusing on Your Own Goals is the Key to Success

In recent years, both large chain gyms and small independent fitness studios have been popping up all over Hong Kong, showing that the fitness trend is becoming more and more developed. As an editor born in the 1990s, I used to rely on my youthful energy and good health, and didn't pay much attention to fitness. However, after working in an office from 10am to 7pm every day for three to four years, I've noticed that my body is gradually deteriorating due to the lack of targeted muscle training. I'm not alone in this, as many of my friends are facing the same problem. Initially, we thought that getting a massage, stretching, or acupuncture would relieve the pain and discomfort, but after a year or two, we realized that these methods only address the symptoms and not the root cause. ...

Say Goodbye to Bad Posture Effective Fitness Training for Women Who Spend Long Hours on the Computer

As a university student, you may spend long hours typing essays on the computer. And as you enter the workforce, you may continue to spend hours on the computer each day with a 10am to 7pm schedule. If you have poor posture, combined with a hunched back, it can lead to chronic pain in the neck and shoulder areas. As someone who works at a computer all day, I understand the "heavy burden" that can accumulate in the shoulders. Many of us believe that a simple massage or therapy can fix the problem. However, it's more important to address the underlying issue of poor sitting posture to truly reduce the habit. The root cause of this issue is often due to the lack of exercise in office workers, leading to weakened muscles that are unable to properly support the body. As a result, we may ...

From Designer to Personal Trainer: The importance of finding true happiness in your work

If I wake up every day and feel unhappy and tired at the thought of going back to work, then that job is definitely not suitable for me. ——Ami Ami, majored in advertising design in college and worked as a graphic designer after graduation, but  currently becomes a personal trainer. After two or three years of working in the advertising industry, she gradually realized that she didn't want to continue as a designer. With courage and determination, she stepped out of her comfort zone and turned her other interest, fitness, into a career, transforming herself into a healthy and confident Personal Trainer from scratch. The society that suppresses creativity limits the scope of design work In the eyes of the general public, those who work in advertising and graphic desi...