Gigi Fong

【VOICE OF HER】Granting Ourselves Vulnerability – Gigi Fong

Have faith in the value of your vulnerability,for it is where your inner strength truly thrives. It was only during my interview with Canaan that we reached the second question before needing to reach for tissues. Before she created “Gigi Fong”, every interview used to reduce her to a quiver, her voice cracking. “Bold isn't a label I'd ever give myself.” she confessed, with a raw honesty that was genuinely refreshing. She's candid about her own makeup, unafraid to acknowledge both her courage and moments of timidity. Instead of sidestepping, she consistently faces her inner world head-on. As a creator, she's a wellspring of fresh ideas and experiments, while also nurturing aspects she hesitates to reveal to the world. “Maybe my boldness comes from accepting and discussing ...

【WHY NOT BOLD】Rebellious Marshmallow Girl – Interviewing Gigi Fong

In the summer of 2023, a sense of having lived through a whole century had settled in after the pandemic. Looking back to the days when social distance kept everyone indoors, some individuals diligently exercised to maintain their peak physical condition, while others found themselves gaining a few extra pounds due to their sedentary lifestyles. In this backdrop, there was a young woman sprawled on a couch, her gaze fixed on her reflection on the television screen. Yes, she had indeed put on a bit of weight. Meanwhile, scrolling through Instagram revealed a pervasive discourse about weight loss, exercise regimens, and dietary restrictions. The mounting pressure became palpable. In response, she decided to create an exaggerated version of a plump girl. As she gazed at this portrayal of a c...