Father’s Day

More than a Daddy-girl

It is often said that daughters bear a striking resemblance to their fathers, not only in terms of inherited traits and appearance, but also in the paths they choose in life. Daughters are often described as their fathers' “lover of previous life”, the role of a father is already intertwined with his daughter long even before this life, and in this lifetime, he becomes the primary male figure who shapes their lives. This profound connection is far from simple. The origin of Father's Day itself can be traced back to a dutiful daughter, Sonora Smart Dodd from the United States, who sought to express gratitude for her father's nurturing of her and her five siblings. Through relentless efforts, she campaigned to establish "Father's Day" with the mayor, state government and various organisatio...

Happy Father’s Day, Mrs. Mak

When it comes to the most iconic local pig character, "McDull" is probably the name that comes to mind for both you and me—it's a nostalgic figure for an entire generation. Whenever we think of this naive and simple-minded little piggie, we also recall the voice of Sandra Ng and the character she voiced, "Mrs. Mak." Mrs. Mak, the slightly nagging and fierce  Hong Kong-style housewife, is a familiar character to all. However, what many may not realise is that her full name is "Tam Yuk-Lin". She is also known as Mak Tam Yuk-Lin She was once a "factory girl" in her younger days, who would entertain the crowd with her seductive leg dances at Dai Tat Dei. It was there that she unexpectedly crossed paths with a man named Mak Bing. With his scruffy beard and a perennially troub...