Drama list

[Spoiler Alert] All the light we cannot see – if today was the last day of life…

The drama series All the light we cannot see was launched on Netflix on November 2. The condensed four-episode theatrical version is adapted from the original novel by Anthony Doerr. This Pulitzer Prize-winning historical novel set during World War II became the New York Times bestseller in literature. Although the characters in the play are purely fictional, author Doerr uses the historical context of the 1944 siege and battle for control of Saint-Malo in Brittany, France. “It was really important to me to try to make sure that every detail of Saint-Malo was correct so that people who lived through the siege would believe in the authenticity of the project,” Doerr said. Although the series was rewritten. Part of the plot and ending of the original novel, but whether it is the novel o...