
I Defy, I Don Jeans

Take a peek inside your wardrobe. How many denim items do you find? And how many times have you worn jeans this week? When it comes to jeans, the name that likely pops into your mind is Levi's. It's no wonder, as it stands among the earliest and most iconic denim brands in America. However, when we delve into the realm of denim enthusiasts throughout history, there's one notable individual that might surprise you. I wish I had invented blue jeans. They have expression, modesty, sex appeal, simplicity, all I hope for in my clothes. - Yves Saint Laurent This statement embodies YSL's deep passion for jeans and becomes a distinctive hallmark in his brand's designs. As a legendary fashion designer of the 20th century, YSL excelled in blending masculine elements such as suits, tro...