
【WHY NOT BOLD】Challenge Accepted! – Interviewing Transgender Martial Artist Terry Hui Discussing sexual minority rights in Hong Kong isn't a novel issue. Since the decriminalization of homosexual acts in 1991, the implementation of the Sex Discrimination Ordinance in 1996, the formation of a consultative group to address discrimination against sexual minorities in 2013, and the push for same-sex marriage in recent years (despite some legislators still upholding traditional heterosexual marriage norms), it’s clear that Hong Kong’s approach to gender education isn’t cutting-edge. However, there has been gradual progress towards equality. Today, being transgender is still a minority status but it’s increasingly common. Rewinding to the 1980s, the scenario was different. “It was almost as stigmatized as drug abuse or s...

【WHY NOT BOLD】Defying the Label of a “Monster Girl” in a World That Understands Only – interviewing Taiwanese YouTuber Allie

Even if only 1% of the world treats her as a fellow human being, and 99% fail to grasp her journey, she tenaciously battles on against the world. Her name is Allie, a renowned Taiwanese YouTuber, and few still refer to her by her birth name. With flowing, lustrous hair, radiant eyes, fair complexion, and an hourglass figure, she embodies the epitome of beauty. Yet, her past was a stark contrast. She used to be a “he”, and for many, she remains a “monster girl”, a term she uses to describe how others perceive her, all because she is a transgender individual who underwent gender reassignment surgery. The Right Soul in the Wrong Body “Why was I born male when I yearned to be female?” There was a time when Allie couldn't reconcile her male body with her identity as a woman; i...