
The Survival Rules of the Gobi Desert – Mongolian Travelogue

“What drove you to travel to Mongolia?” asked the airport staff on the day of our departure. “To ride horses! To ride camels! To eat mutton! To savor horse milk wine!” we, a group of six, enthusiastically replied. Envision ourselves galloping on white horses across the boundless grasslands under the shimmering stars... Well, it may sound a bit whimsical, but beyond that, Mongolia offers excellent value for travel (especially when compared to places like Tokyo, where spending seems endless),  making it an alluring choice. With a mere four-hour flight away, many Hong Kongers opt for a “quick getaway” to Tokyo during extended weekends, yet only a handful consider a “flash visit” to Mongolia. However, for those seeking an extraordinary and distinct travel experience, Mongolia emer...

Married 3000 Kilometres Away: A Taiwanese Bride’s Journey to Mongolia

There is a saying: "Grasp the chopsticks aloft, and destiny shall carry you afar in matrimony." But for the sake of love, how great a distance would you traverse? Yili, with unwavering resolve, set her sights upon a journey spanning 3,000 kilometres. From the enchanting city of Taichung to the majestic capital of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, she embraced her new role as a Mongolian bride. In this foreign land, she gracefully assimilated, planting her roots deep within the earth, while ardently cultivating a genuine affection for her adopted home. To marry afar is not a compromise,but a serendipitous intertwining of fate and choice. Yili Mongolia's letter resembles Russian, while its spoken language resonates faintly with the cadence of Korean. Venture beyond the urban confines, and a...