Life model

【WHY NOT BOLD】Baring Souls and The Naked Truth – interviewing Hong Kong Life Model Club

Watch on YouTube: 人們說你要離開這陣營,我們無不覺得吃驚因為這不是你的個性,你生來是露體狂小丁 《露體狂小丁》— Forever Tarkovsky Club The Bare Utopia “I am not inherently drawn to nudity,” Siu Ding admits with a hint of shyness. “To wear or not to wear, I see it as a choice of freedom and a state of being.” The duo Ho Shan and Ah P form the band “Forever Tarkovsky Club” (永遠懷念塔可夫斯基) notable for their song 《露體狂小丁》. In reality, Ding is a seasoned life model., reflects on the humour and positivity she has brought to the term “exhibitionist” (露體狂), once used in jest by friends. “It's about redefining a concept from a negative connotation to a positive light,” she shares. Would a world without the need for clothes be ideal? “The perfect state,” Siu Ding says, “would be where people on the street...